www.nourishyourpets.blogspot is a Christian site for the whole family!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Pet Express Cafe' Is Officially OPEN!
Pet Express Cafe' is Officially OPEN!
Free Online Community Pet Forum for Cats, Dogs, Birds, Sugar Gliders, Fish, Reptiles, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Bunnies, and other pets.
This is a VIP invite to all who want to come and join us fellow pet lovers! The Studio is still under construction though but come on in and get involved! I will let ya'll know when the Studio is done.
Sorry for the delay and God bless.
cafe opened
2:32 PM
Posted by vibealive
Informative Pet Health Issues: Summer Heat Tips
Pet Health Issue: Young Pets, Overweight Pets, and Older Pets, During the Summer Heat
Summer Heat Tips:
The statistics of pet ownership has been climbing for years. Every day many more people go out and become new pet owners, and some of us have had pets longer then some jobs or even marriages. Regardless of how long you have had your pet, you will have to deal with at least two of the issues I am about to address, that of summer health issues and the age or weight of your pets.
Like humans, age and conditioning play an important part of our activities during the summer months. Regrettably we often fail to notice the effects that summer has on our four legged friends.
Pets do not have the same ability to cool down as you and I do. When it is excessively hot, like it can be during the summer months, we can sit in front of a fan, grab a cold soda, or crank up the air conditioners. But your pet must pant and pant until his body temperature is regulated. Even in an air conditioned room, your pet can be too hot if you have been outside running them around for a while. Remember, it will take considerable more time for him to cool down from his exercise, than it will for you.
To avoid putting your pet’s health at serious risk this summer, follow a few simple steps that can make a big difference:
Walk your pets early in the morning or late at night. These times of day are much cooler, and they will appreciate not having the blazing sun on their fur coat.
Bring a large water bottle for your pet. Water bottles are not just for you. Get one for your pet. Use one that has a squirt top as they can lick the water out easier, and you will not spill as much.
Take your time walking your pet. If you must walk your pet during the hottest hours, (hey we all have schedules), then make sure you can go at a slow pace. Cut the walk short if you need to and take rest breaks during the walk. Better to walk your dog again later than to overdo it at noon time.
Monitor your pet’s health. The more time you spend with your pet, the more you should know about your pet’s health condition. You need to know the limits of the pets you have.
Always consider the weakest pet health link. If you have more then one pet, then make sure you always keep in mind the pet which will have the highest risk factors.
For example: We have two Bassett Hounds that LOVE to run the countryside all day. When they want to cool down, they just come home for a little TLC and rest...and just take a little dip into my Koi pond!! But that's okay, because I know that they have a way of cooling down when I'm not home. They also get kisses from my Koi!
Keeping your pet healthy during the summer is not hard at all. Simply keep in mind that they are much like us in some regards. They want to relax, have a cool drink and perhaps a dip in the pool. If you are going to walk them, and you should, just make sure that they can handle it as well as you can. Take your time, let them rest, give then a nice treat of some ice cubes when you’re done. They will love you for the walk, and love you more for caring enough not to put them in harms way.
I hope this information was helpful!
Great Health To You And Your Pets!
Informative Pet Health Issues: Summer Heat Tips
10:21 AM
Posted by vibealive
Monday, January 7, 2008
About me
My name is Michelle. Right now I work in a manufacturing facility but have been "called out" to serve elsewhere. It has been a strong passion of mine to provide somehow for animals needs.
I have a very large family...my husband, my son, and......(deep breath)..... 2 Bassett Hounds, 6 cats, 30 fishies, 2 sugargliders, and 3 hamsters. I also had 3 cockatiels but had given them to some friends of ours. Can you tell we love animals?
My goal is to open up my very own pet supply store. But it won't be your average pet supplies. I like unique things such as things you don't see in pet stores. I also like organic, natural things. It is more healthy for my family as well as my pets.
Along with unique pet supplies, I am planning on selling very unique pet toys and other things that you don't find in pet stores. Did you know that you can not find hardly ANYTHING for your pet critters like Sugar Gliders? They need certian things like bonding pouches and sleeping pouches that you can not find ANYWHERE. So that is one of my goals. I just have to learn how to sew!!
I am also looking for suppliers to get started. If you know of anyone, please send them to me at http://www.nourishyourpets.blogspot.com/
I ask that you be patient with me while I'm learning to build this site for future reference. ( more like a warning!) Cause I have no idea what I am doing and if any of you could give me some tips, THAT WOULD BE GREAT!
Dream in progress...
about me
7:49 PM
Posted by vibealive
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Free Pet Food For Shelter Dogs And Cats
The Animal Rescue Site needs more people to click on this link daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals.
It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for animals' for free. This doesn't cost you a thing. Their Corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.
Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know! http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com AGAIN, PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!! If you were wondering... Snopes.Com says this is legitimate!
Here is the Article from the Site...
The Animal Rescue Site focuses the power of the Internet on a specific need — providing food for some of the 27 million unwanted animals given to shelters in the U.S. every year. Over 10 million animals are put to death every year in the U.S. alone because they are abandoned and unwanted.
Each click on the purple "Click Here to Give - it's FREE" button at The Animal Rescue Site provides food and care for a rescued animal living in a shelter or sanctuary. Funding for food and care is paid by site sponsors and distributed to animals in need at the Fund for Animals' renowned animal sanctuaries (including Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch in Texas and the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in California), pet shelters supported by the Petfinder Foundation, North Shore Animal League, and other worthy animal care facilities supported by the GreaterGood.org foundation.
100% of sponsor advertising fees goes to our charitable partners.
To read more on this article and other donated sites, Click here
free pet food site
7:25 PM
Posted by vibealive
Introducing a dream in progress...
"I have noticed where I live that there aren't many pet stores around. I was in one today and thought," How I would LOVE to own something like this at unbeatable prices for people just like you and me."
"We need more available all natural products for our pets. With all of the recalls on foods and toys and such we can never be too safe. My pets are just like my children and I take much precaution of what to give them. I would rather them pass away with natural causes than by a product out there that ends up being harmful."
dream in progress
7:14 PM
Posted by vibealive