Pet Health Issue: Young Pets, Overweight Pets, and Older Pets, During the Summer Heat
Summer Heat Tips:
The statistics of pet ownership has been climbing for years. Every day many more people go out and become new pet owners, and some of us have had pets longer then some jobs or even marriages. Regardless of how long you have had your pet, you will have to deal with at least two of the issues I am about to address, that of summer health issues and the age or weight of your pets.
Like humans, age and conditioning play an important part of our activities during the summer months. Regrettably we often fail to notice the effects that summer has on our four legged friends.
Pets do not have the same ability to cool down as you and I do. When it is excessively hot, like it can be during the summer months, we can sit in front of a fan, grab a cold soda, or crank up the air conditioners. But your pet must pant and pant until his body temperature is regulated. Even in an air conditioned room, your pet can be too hot if you have been outside running them around for a while. Remember, it will take considerable more time for him to cool down from his exercise, than it will for you.
To avoid putting your pet’s health at serious risk this summer, follow a few simple steps that can make a big difference:
Walk your pets early in the morning or late at night. These times of day are much cooler, and they will appreciate not having the blazing sun on their fur coat.
Bring a large water bottle for your pet. Water bottles are not just for you. Get one for your pet. Use one that has a squirt top as they can lick the water out easier, and you will not spill as much.
Take your time walking your pet. If you must walk your pet during the hottest hours, (hey we all have schedules), then make sure you can go at a slow pace. Cut the walk short if you need to and take rest breaks during the walk. Better to walk your dog again later than to overdo it at noon time.
Monitor your pet’s health. The more time you spend with your pet, the more you should know about your pet’s health condition. You need to know the limits of the pets you have.
Always consider the weakest pet health link. If you have more then one pet, then make sure you always keep in mind the pet which will have the highest risk factors.
For example: We have two Bassett Hounds that LOVE to run the countryside all day. When they want to cool down, they just come home for a little TLC and rest...and just take a little dip into my Koi pond!! But that's okay, because I know that they have a way of cooling down when I'm not home. They also get kisses from my Koi!
Keeping your pet healthy during the summer is not hard at all. Simply keep in mind that they are much like us in some regards. They want to relax, have a cool drink and perhaps a dip in the pool. If you are going to walk them, and you should, just make sure that they can handle it as well as you can. Take your time, let them rest, give then a nice treat of some ice cubes when you’re done. They will love you for the walk, and love you more for caring enough not to put them in harms way.
I hope this information was helpful!
Great Health To You And Your Pets!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Informative Pet Health Issues: Summer Heat Tips
Informative Pet Health Issues: Summer Heat Tips
10:21 AM
Posted by vibealive
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