This is "Bo"! Short for Bocefus. He is a beautiful Husky/Malamute and is about 7 weeks old. He is a beauty! He is my husbands new addition to the family. We have had him about a week now and he already knows his name! Our basset hound "Dodger" took to him immediately and they have been playing ever since.

He follows my husband around everywhere he goes and is already spoiled rotten. "Bo" is going to be one beautiful LARGE dog when he grows up. "Dodger" will be looking UP at him instead of down really soon! But they have become great buddies and it's been great for "Dodger". He has really missed "Buster".

I will be putting updated pic's of "Bo" as I post so you can see how he has grown.
Here is "Bo's" mama and daddy...\
Daddy... Mamma
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